Monday 28 February 2011

Rocktime Blogs in Feb 2011

As I manage the Rocktime Social Blog: Sharing with you each month a selection of posts I was involved in this month. Any questions on the below or if you feel that you can expand on points raised, feel free to leave a comment on the relevant Rocktime post.

Update to Google Social Search: Short blog where I introduce the latest Google Video on Social Search, sharing my love of the fact that Google are increasingly sharing realtime data with their customers.

Adwords UK Trademark Policy: Quite a comprehensive blog where I highlight what you need to know about Adwords UK policy and bidding on trademark names.

eBay Fashion and Augmented Reality App: I invited Alice at Rocktime to review the latest Augmented Reality app from Ebay. We are still finding AR very exciting, I am sure in the future it will be more common place. You can expect more AR blogs on the Rocktime blog, as we watch this area develop.

Facebook Deals Launches in the UK: Co Author on the Facebook Deals post, I have a feeling that Facebook deals is going to move pretty fast, this post gives an overview of what it is all about, how it compares to FourSquare and advice on how deals will work for businesses.

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